Do you have what it takes? Make Financial Football a part of your classroom curriculum with these integral, engaging lesson modules. Each module is structured as a comprehensive teaching tool for easy integration into your own classroom curriculum. Students of all ages learn key concepts about saving and spending, budgeting and the wise use of credit in preparation for gameplay. The modules are available for three age levels — Rookie (11-14), Pro (14-18) and Hall of Fame (18+). You can assign the game to students and track their completion by having them automatically email you their results from the game. After completing a game, students can email you or a parent their Financial Football results by clicking on the Email Teacher button on the Game Stats page and entering their first name along with a destination email address.

Here's what each module will include:
Each module begins with a narrative overview of the concepts to be taught. This short synopsis gives the educator and students a quick idea of the material to follow.
Teaching Goals and Objectives
Goals and objectives briefly describe the expected learning outcomes of the module.
Teaching Notes
The Teaching Notes feature the primary material on which module concepts are based. Educators may use the teaching notes as-is or adapt them to their own teaching style.
In this section, students and educators practice applying learned concepts through the discussion of concrete examples.
The Activity section can be used as a group exercise or as an assessment of student learning. In this section, students answer several questions to test their knowledge of learned concepts.